Welcome to the Blinksights SDK documentation! This guide will walk you through the process of integrating Blinksights analytics into your Solana Blinks. By following these steps, you'll be able to track Blink views and interactions effortlessly.

<aside> 💡 🚀 SDK Update Available: Version 1.0.14 🚀

We're excited to announce that we've made significant improvements to our SDK! The latest version, 1.0.14, is now available for download. This update improves the tracking of your Solana Blinks and bug fixes that help you to see the performance of your Blinks.

We highly recommend updating to SDK version 1.0.14 to take advantage of these enhancements.

Update Now ⇒ https://www.npmjs.com/package/blinksights-sdk


Getting Started

1. Create an Account on Blinksights

Before you can start using the Blinksights SDK, you need to create an account on our platform.

  1. Visit Blinksights.xyz and sign up.
  2. After creating your account, navigate to the API Key section in your dashboard.
  3. Generate an Access Token that will be used for integrating the SDK with your Solana Blinks.

2. Install the Blinksights SDK

To begin using the Blinksights SDK, you need to install it in your project.

npm install blinksights-sdk

3. Import the Blinksights SDK

Once installed, you can import the SDK into your project:

import { BlinksightsClient } from 'blinksights-sdk';

4. Create a Blinksights Client

To start tracking events, create a new Blinksights client using your access token:

const client = new BlinksightsClient('YOUR ACCESS TOKEN');

Tracking Blink Events